Apply to Our Training Sessions

We organize training sessions on your campus. The training provides participants with the intellectual tools and framework, enabling them to identify Lebanon’s challenges and come up with novel solutions.

The Training Is:

Exclusive; a careful selection process is adopted focusing on the participant’s skills and personality.

Fun; unconventional delivery methods are used like games, online-real time activities, debates, focus  groups, etc.

Rewarding; a certification is delivered after completing the training to enrich your CV with extracurricular activities.

Relevant; participants can choose to apply the skills they learned by becoming bloggers, analyze Lebanon’s problems and suggest solutions. Our website can host the blogs.

Free of charge for university students.

Contact Us

If you’re interested in joining our training sessions, please contact us at

Empowering Youth to Rebuild Lebanon

On September 17-18, 2015, LIMS organized a training session entitled “Empowering Youth to Rebuild Lebanon” and was hosted by the University of Balamand. The session aimed to instill freedom-related ideas in the minds of more than a dozen young people.

Click here for the album on our Facebook page.