Day 1 - Saturday July 7, 2018

09:00 - 09:30 Registration
09:30 – 11:00 Session 1 - Lawmaking Process
The Honorable Ziyad Baroud
11:00 – 11:30 Breaking the Ice
11:30 – 13:30

Session 2 – Parallel Workshops

Group A: Public Policy Cycle & Drafting a Policy Proposal

Dr. Benalla


Group B: Tips for creating a successful policy reform

Dr. Al Ubaydli, Mr. Aref, and Dr. Derawan

13:30 – 15:00 Networking Lunch
15:00 – 16:00 Session 3 – Speed Exchange
Dr. Al Ubaydli, Mr. Aref, Dr. Benalla, and Dr. Derawan
16:00 – 18:00

Session 4 – Parallel Workshops

Group A: Tips for creating a successful policy reform

Dr. Al Ubaydli, Mr. Aref, and Dr. Derawan


Group B: Public Policy Cycle & Drafting a Policy Proposal

Dr. Benalla

Day 2 - Sunday July 8, 2018

09:00 - 09:30 Registration
09:30 – 10:30 Session 5 – Reforms for Peace and Prosperity
Dr. Mardini
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Talk
11:00 – 13:00

Session 6 – Parallel Workshops

Group A: Position Your Policy Proposal & Understand Your Stakeholders

Dr. Benalla


Group B: Tips for Designing Your Policy Paper

Dr. Al Ubaydli, Mr. Aref, and Dr. Derawan

13:00 – 14:00 Networking Lunch
14:00 – 16:00

Session 7– Parallel Workshops

Group A: Tips for Designing Your Policy Paper

Dr. Al Ubaydli, Mr. Aref, and Dr. Derawan


Group B: Position Your Policy Proposal & Understand Your Stakeholders

Dr. Benalla

16:00 – 17:00 Session 8 – Draft Your Policy Proposal
17:00 – 17:30 Session 9 – Present Your Proposal
17:30 – 18:30 Closing Ceremony & Distribution of Certificates
Omar al Ubaydli LLA 301

Dr. Omar Al Ubaydli

Dr. Omar Al-Ubaydli is the Program Director for International and Geo-Political Studies at the Bahrain Center for Strategic, International and Energy Studies, an affiliated associate professor of economics at George Mason University, and an affiliated senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center. He previously served as a member of the Commonwealth of Virginia's Joint Advisory Board of Economists and a Visiting Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago.

Majdi Aref LLA 301

Mr. Majdi Aref

Mr. Majdi Aref is a policy analyst at LIMS. He holds a Master’s degree in finance from the University of York, in the UK, where he wrote on pricing credit default swaps with industry-specific factors. He previously worked in research at the Economics and Capital Markets Research Center, where he examined the effects of debt on growth. Mr. Aref is regularly invited as a speaker and discussant at roundtables organized by political parties.

Ziad Baroud LLA 301

The Honorable Ziyad Baroud

Maître Ziyad Baroud is a Lebanese civil servant and civil society activist. He served as minister of interior and municipalities, from 2008 to 2011 for two consecutive cabinets.
An attorney by formation and practice, Baroud is an expert on issues of decentralization and electoral law reform. He is known to abstain from engaging in feudal politics, and to focus instead on building the Lebanese civil society and Lebanese civil institutions. During his mandate, Baroud was credited for pushing forward a culture of responsibility and openness where he made himself easily accessible to all Lebanese citizens.
Baroud was also credited with overseeing Lebanon's best-managed round of elections to date in 2009.

Dr. Zineb Benalla

Dr. Zineb Benalla is an international expert and Consultant in CVE, PVE, CT, good governance, rule of law, democratic transition and peace building. She holds: a BA in International Relations from Al Akhawayan University in Morocco and Georgetown University in the US; a Master’s degree in International laws from Kent Law School and Brussels School of International Studies; a public policy diploma from the Center of Public Policy Research in India; and a Think Tank MBA from Atlas Economic Research Foundation. She established the Averroes Academy for Freedom and Democracy, a public policy workshop. She spent the last 4 years in the Sahel and Maghreb region countering radical ideas and promoting peace reconciliation. She is an international consultant for the USAID, the AECOM International Development and many others.

Mazen Derawan LLA 301

Dr. Mazen Derawan

Dr. Mazen Derawan is a lifelong entrepreneur. He is the founder of the largest meat processing factory in the Middle East and of a successful, residential construction business in Chicago. Dr. Derawan was the President of the Home Builders Association of Greater Chicago and was on the National Board of Directors of the National Association of Home Builders in Washington, D.C. He was also inducted into the Chicago Area Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame in 2005. Dr. Derawan is also a lifetime member of the American Marketing Association Honorary Society and member of several chambers of commerce and industry.

Dr. Patrick Mardini LLA 301

Dr. Patrick Mardini

Dr. Patrick Mardini is the founder of LIMS . He is often interviewed by TV and radio stations, and newspapers, and invited to lecture in Africa, China, Japan, Europe, the USA and the Middle East. He holds a PhD in economics from Paris Dauphine University in France and a Post-Doctoral in Banking from the Jones Hopkins University in the USA.

LLA 301 Shaping Public Policy

LLA 301 Shaping Public Policy is a two-day workshop followed by a two-months tutoring process. The workshop allows participants to draft a market-oriented policy paper that would serve their group. Each party might have its own priority and LIMS is very flexible on the topic. After the workshop, a tutor will be assigned to  each group to walk them through the process of drafting the paper.

By the end of LLA 301, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the structure of a policy paper.
  • Collect primary and secondary data.
  • Build their case using strong arguments.
  • Discuss different alternatives and explain their shortcomings.
  • Draft a policy proposition and present it to policy-makers.


  • Audience: Key people from groups active in the 2019 protests
  • Training duration: Two-day workshop + two months of tutoring
  • Workshop sessions: six sessions, two hours each
  • Meetings with tutor: five meetings
  • Number of tutors:  six
  • Language: Arabic

2020 Edition

Follow the links below for the LLA301 albums on our Facebook page:

Day 1

Day 2

Distribution of Certificates

2019 Edition

Follow the links below for the LLA301 albums on our Facebook page:

Day 1

Day 2

Distribution of Certificates

2018 Edition

Follow the links below for the LLA301 albums on our Facebook page:

Day 1 & Day 2

Distribution of Certificates

2017 Edition

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LLA 301